Inoue Taishu--Shodai Master Potter---50 Years On.

Inoue Taishu(b.1941) is a ceramic artist who should be recognized as a Living National Treasure for Shodai-yaki. As every worthy potting center needs a LNT, or simply a leader, without a doubt for Shodai-yaki it's Inoue-sensei. He first studied in Kyoto with Morino Kako (1959) and then studied at the Takemiya kiln(1960) with the first Chikashige Jitaro. A few years later he established his own kiln in Kumamoto in 1965 and then built a noborigama kiln at the base of Mt.Shodai in 1968. It's there he pots today still. His career and awards are too long to list here yet he is well represented in major exhibitions, and his work has been presented to the current Emperor--at the latter's request. To celebrate this humble, yet extraordinary folk potter's career, a fifty-year commemorative exhibition is being held at the Kumamoto Prefectural Traditional Crafts Center until March 2nd. Information in Japanese only is available at
Also, a new book about Inoue was published for the celebration and is available for 2,600 yen. ISBN978-4-87755-299-2. A few works of Inoue's will be placed on today.