Obama Gets Some Chopsticks.....

In Fukui prefecture--home of Echizen pottery and Kumano Kuroemon--there is a small town called Obama (small seashore). As can be expected when Barack Obama was elected president the town went wild and now features all kinds of 'Obama goods' such as rice crackers and bean cakes with the prez's face beaming. The town's mayor is doing all he can do get President Obama to visit and this includes sending all kinds of gifts. The other day I received news of such a gift from the 'bear of Echizen' ceramic artist Kumano Kuroemon. Kumano also is known for his bold calligraphy and was asked to write the kanji for chopsticks--hashi--to be included with a hashi set sent to the White House dining room. Such a 'major' event for the local town made the regional newspaper and I attach photos of both Kumano's calligraphy and the article. I wonder how Obama's hashi skills are; in Japan--no matter how long one has been here--folks will always compliment you if your hashi technique is good enough to pick up beans!
On a serious note, our gallery will be exhibiting new works by some of our favorite artists at the Art Fair, Tokyo from April 2-5; please do stop by if in the nations's capital: http://www.artfairtokyo.com/en/index.html
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