70th Anniversary of the Japan Folk Crafts Museum

There are certain art works that one never forgets and we often come back to for inspiration. One such work that always brings me great joy-I have a postcard image next to my computer at home--is a wood statue by Mokujiki Shonin(1718-1810) in the collection of the Japan Folk Crafts Museum in Tokyo. It emits such profound delight and here-now wisdom and will be on display for a celebratory exhibition at the museum:
"In commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Japan Folk Crafts Museum, a special exhibition of approximately 400 treasures from the museum's collection with be on display. Yanagi Soetsu, the founder of the museum, collected about 17,000 pieces of art over a half century. This special exhibition focuses on the most exemplary handicrafts from Yanagi's collection, ranging from pottery and painting to textiles, dyed cloth, and woodwork. The exhibit will also highlight the calligraphy and writings of Yanagi, the beautiful bindings of Serizawa Keisuke, and the handicrafts of other beloved folk-craft artists. Exhibit pieces were selected that best reflect the Mingei philosophy of founder Yanagi Soetsu."
Surely an exhibition not to be missed, until June 25th, visit the Folk Craft Museum's homepage at http://www.mingeikan.or.jp/english/index.html
Harvey Young is a Mashiko potter that works within the work ethics of mingei and his sturdy-honest-beautiful work is a joy to use. His new homepage is up and can be visited at http://harveyyoungpottery.com/index.html
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