Japanese Ceramic Magazines/Current Issues

The two best and influential quarterlies--Honoho Geijutsu and Tohjiro--have recently released their current issues. HG's cover story is on Arita porcelains and features works by the two -mons, Imaemon and Kakiemon of the current generations. Interviews with both are found as well as dozen of photos; a look at what to see in Arita is also featured. Other features include lokos at Yoshikawa Masamichi and Kaneko Jun as well as Miyake Yoji's 'ceramic lesson' series. Tohjiro's cover story is about guinomi-sake cups and as always will surely prove to be a popular issue as guinomi are collected here with a fevered passion. The second feature of Tohjiro looks at how Japanese ceramics are fairing overseas and I was very honored to be part of this section. Outside of our gallery here in Mishima, New York City was the focal point with an insightful essay by Joan Mirviss and photos of Kato Tsubusa's exhibition at Dai Ichi; all in all Japanese ceramics are very much the talk of the town around the world and the interest is only going to grow. Both magazines can be ordered online at www.japanesepotterybooks.com
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