First Annual Paramita Museum Ceramic Art Prize

Museums sponsoring art awards in Japan is nothing new; for example the 15th annual MOA Mokichi Okada Award for kogei-'crafts' was recently given to Raku KichizaemonXV. The MOA Museum--sitting atop a mountain on the coastal town of Atami--is a must see--as well as the Miho Museum---for any visitor to Japan. A sister--and the original MOA--is in Hakone and now displays an impressive assortment of Jomon-mid Edo ceramics. Now a bit further down the coast in Mie prefecture is a relatively new museum called the Paramita Museum. As with the two aforementioned museums, religious associations run deep in these institutions, and of course paramita is a Buddhist term with profound meanings. Lots about Buddhist art in general can be viewed on Mark Schumacher's very informative web site:
The Paramita Museum opened its doors in March, 2003 with its first major exhibition's theme of 'The Heart Sutra' inspired works by Ikeda Masuo. The Ikeda works are a main feature of the museum's overall collection as is a look into old Banko wares, of Mie prefecture origin.
So, the love of ceramics continues with a recently inaugurated award and corresponding exhibition of eight ceramic artists. They are as featured in the photo here, top l-r, Miwa Kazuhiko, Mihara Ken, Hayashi Kuniyoshi, Uchida Koichi; bottom l-r, Akiyama Yo, Abe Anjin, Sugiura Yasuyoshi (current exhibition in Tokyo at Muse Tomo until July 23, and Tashima Etsuko. Examples of many of the artist's works can be seen on The exhibition runs until August 31 and more information--only in Japanese though--can be obtained by
(PS-As we all know, the Net is a grand place yet as with anyplace some creeps crawl in. 'Someone' is using an an email address with as the sender; asking for credit confirmation and such; I know most know it's not from me, so please just trash it. Where's the Raid....?)
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