Japan Ceramic Society Mishima Branch Event

The Nihon Toji Kyokai (Japan Ceramic Society) is a Tokyo-based organization with 37 branches nationwide, including one here in Mishima, of which I am a member--and quite naturally the only gaijin (foreigner and, I believe, also the youngest member). We meet every other month and also take a pottery related tour once a year. For the last few years I arranged the visits and it was a strange sight indeed to see me leading a group to Bizen and the Mino region. Last Saturday we held our annual year-end gathering party and that included an auction. Most meetings are more formal with pots being discussed as well as other yakimono-related issues. I thought I'd share a few photos of last week's event to show who my local yakimono friends are and also to show those who've never been to Japan before what an informal banquet looks like, hope you enjoy. The Nihon Toji Kyokai's homepage in Japanese only is at http://www.j-ceramic.jp/index.html
and a look at past winners and works can be viewed on www.e-yakimono.net
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